
What is Google Ads and How Does it Work?

Nowadays, everyone uses online search engines What is Google whether it’s to search for a product or to look for answers on a specific subject. That is a massive opportunity for any business to reach out to potential customers by delivering the product they are looking for or providing them with the correct answer to their questions. But as most markets are highly competitive and your competitors may already have a significant online presence, it is not easy to immediately get visibility in search results. Search engines offer businesses the ability for their ads to appear at the top of the search results page by paying according to a pay-per-click (PPC) model. That is a tremendous opportunity for businesses to increase their online presence and earn instantly more visibility on search engines.

There are several search engines

Which are offering advertising platforms. Depending on your target audience and the country you are operating in, particular search engines may suit your business better. Since Google is the market leader, in this article, we will focus on Google and its Google Ads platform. Read more in Lebanon Phone Number Data our article “Search Share of Search Engines by Country”. Table of Contents:  Ads? How do Google Ads work? How much does What is Google Google Ads cost? How does the Google Ads auction work? Ads? Google Ads, originally known as Google AdWords, is a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platform offered by Google. The basic idea is to find your prospects and repeat customers online whenever they are searching for a product or service.

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That enables you to capture them

When they are in the search and purchase funnel.  So when users search on Google by entering a keyword. They get their search results on a search engine results page (SERP). It is here where the opportunity to show your products or services to those who have. Searched may occur by targeting those keywords B2C Fax and placing your paid advert in the SERP section. You can see that the search results are split into two sections: the paid search results and the organic search results. While these look similar, the paid search ads have the bold negrito “ad” at the top  of the post. Depending on your ad ranking, your ad may not appear at the top of the page, as is the case here. There are plenty of other competitors bidding for the very exact same keywords. But how does Google decide who will appear first.

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