
These are topics prospects are interested

how to use  become an influencer because that’s not something enterprise clients care . about Here are a few ways to look for topics that will drive leads not . just traffic Poll sales marketing and customer service teams to create a list of questions . customers and prospects ask  in If your site has . an internal search function dig into the data What topics are users searching for that .

You Haven’t Addressed? Research Your

you haven’t addressed? Research your top keywords in a tool like WordTracker and look at . “Suggestions” for topic ideas Use Google trends to find popular search trends and write about . them Here’s an example for “social media marketing” Google Trends example Look for related queries . to get a few ideas The “social media marketing plan template” is a solid choice . — it’s in-depth and you can use a downloadable guide as a lead magnet If .

You Need More Inspiration This

You need more inspiration this article by conduit cn cell phone number list Yoast might help generate more ideas Step 3 . Keep user intent in mind I’ve already mentioned user intent but it bears having its . own section Here’s why Your goal isn’t just traffic but also leads A high search . volume doesn’t help when your goal isn’t to traffic but to convince readers to hand . over their email address or phone number You need to focus on what their intent .

Is Let’s Go Back to

Is Let’s go back to the example from the how to increase your authority previous section We have an enterprise . social media marketing tool and want to use the “social media marketing plan template” as . a blog topic What does that topic say about user intent? The user is likely . struggling to create a social media plan or is looking to streamline their current plan . Their intent is to get help with their social media marketing plan–which is great because .

Our Tool Is the Solution

Our tool is the solution Paying attention to user changsha mobile phone number list intent is the only way to . ensure your blog post becomes a lead magnet not just another page users bounce off . of Step 4 Write your blog post You know who your audience is you have . a topic and user intent is top of mind Now it is time to sit . down and write your post This might be the hardest part of the process especially .

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