
How to increase your authority

And also, we would love to have wisdom and peace of mind to deal with problems that are stressful for most. It is the difference between Authority and Power!

While Power imposes obedience, Authority naturally shows paths and solutions that strengthen leadership. When we want to impose something by force, we can provoke some kind of structural problem, resistance and create uncomfortable working environments. Authority, on the other hand, is not imposed, but rather arises spontaneously from the recognition that a certain person is an eminence in his or her field.

The same logic applies to Digital Marketing , a site or page with Domain Authority or Page Authority will be visited by many people and will be among the top positions organically, without the need for dark techniques or dubious formulas. Let’s understand together how to gain Authority!

 What is Authority?

It’s a whole topic: in Digital Marketing you could chinese overseas british data say that it’s an index of the reliability of your content. At the same time, it’s a way for the algorithm to evaluate you; because if there’s one thing that the Authority indicates, it’s that you care about being excellent at what you do, and that’s precisely what Google wants for its users: excellence how to increase your authority , which is why it will reward and encourage anyone who strives to be a reference in their field.

Being a reference in something is being the person who knows it, the one everyone consults, the page visited to resolve the doubt, the external link from another page to your page suggesting you as the best answer , the snippet in position zero, the first organic place in the SERPs, your name cited, your content shared; all of that is Authority.

SEO Authority

In the SEO world, there are two types of Authority that are used as indicators: Domain Authority and Page Authority. The first measures the performance of your entire site and the second of specific pages. In both cases, a type of score is used, developed by MOZ , which can predict the position that your page will obtain in search engines. The score ranges from 1 to 100. The higher the score, the better the position.  

Moz: Authority in Search Engine Optimization

Among other things, MOZ was the one who invented these metrics we are talking about. It is a company that is dedicated to creating digital tools for search engineering. If you want to dive into this fascinating universe, you can start by learning how to use Open Site Explorer . You just have to go to that page, type the URL of the site you want to consult and, instantly, you will obtain the information you are looking for.

1. Patience

Our first piece of advice is always philosophical, since Content Marketing is born precisely from questioning old methods and building a new marketing sensibility. The business world can sometimes put us in situations of anxiety. Be patient. Authority is gained over time, and to take a thousand steps we must inevitably take one first.

2. Links

Now for practical advice. Links are the currency how to obtain financing for company development of Authority. The logic is very simple: the more people share you, the more authority you have. If a site with Authority places a link to your domain, it will benefit you; but if a site with low Authority does so, it can harm you.

Internalize this principle: Authority is closely linked to link strategies , the best known of which is LinkBuilding . Always work on three levels at the same time:

  • External links : place links to authoritative sites in your domain and, at the same time, negotiate that other sites place links to your domain (for the latter, guest posts is a good option) .
  • Internal links: always place links in your content that lead to other posts on the same domain;
  • Link maintenance : you must constantly check the Google Search Console and clean up, because if a low Authority site places a link to your site, it can subtract points from you.

3. Contents

It goes without saying that the content has to be of quality, this is a point that we never tire of repeating, as it is the basis of our business: quality content how to increase your authority. For example, if we are going to write a text, we know that in addition to SEO, syntactical and spelling correction and technical knowledge, we will need the art of literature to write with a meaning that motivates us beyond the obvious. SEO quality, technical quality and artistic quality.

4. Digital Marketing

Or rather: to whom, where, how and when. Define your Persona , the media, the format and the frequency to reach your audience and motivate them to share your content. This is the pro-active point: you have to do marketing.

5. Off-page SEO

Off-page SEO is all the movement we do outside our page that also has optimization objectives. For example, creating partnerships with other sites to boost your posts, commenting and interacting with other platforms that have a similar audience to yours and, as we mention below, Social Media.

6. Social Media

Mandatory item. Nowadays, if you are off social media , you are simply off everything. There is not much to explain here, just find out which network your Persona uses, create campaigns and use all the possibilities of this modality. 

7. Responsiveness

And finally, another mandatory topic is adaptation to mobile devices how to increase your authority. Little by little, we have managed to get the computer off the table and put it in our pocket. If we want to increase our authority, we must be responsive to reach our audience at all times.

I hope this article has given you an initial jpb directory idea of ​​this fascinating topic of Authority. Follow these simple tips and you will see how, in a short period of time, your position in the SERPs will improve and your visits will increase.

If you want to know everything about the topic, download our e-book!

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