It sounds great and so is that

Also in this case using the –rm flag we make sure that once the execution is finish the container will be remov. But we also use it when using docker compose , as we mention, what this tool basically does is manage several containers with docker simultaneously under the indicat specification, it simply stands between docker and us to simplify our work. Using docker compose to work with docker compose we will have to create the necessary configuration file , a file usually call docker-compose.yml in which we will basically indicate which containers we want to run. In addition, the flexibility of docker compose allows us to run some containers simply by obtaining their image from docker hub and others built locally bas on the corresponding docker file.

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From access, and depending on the nes of the project, we make use of both options, both public or own images, as well as others configur for Antarctica Email List the project itself through a docker file. This is something that allows us to adapt to the particularities of each application and each client in an agile and comfortable way. Basic docker-compose my example to work with apache and pup we are going to configure a very basic example on which we will build a somewhat more advance example, in the same folder we will have the docker-compose.yml and index.php files. Index.php file docker-compose.

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However there is an important part

My file apache and php in this configuration there are key points to mention a service call apache. Local is defin that runs a container bas B2C Fax on the pup. Apache image . We configure a volume for this container that shares the contents of the folder where the docker-compose.yml file is locat on the host with the path varwww html of the container, which is the one us by apache as the root of the web server. Porto the host is bound to port of the container, so that from our browser we can access the web server that exposes the container simply by navigating to localhost.

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