
Google for the experience of our users

They are requir and have repercussions. Our advice, avoid browsing pages that do not offer the option to choose the cookies that you want to be stor in your browser, equipment or simply do not comply with the https protocol, in addition to always verifying that the url of the web belongs to the same site or name correct. For example, make it paypal comand notpaypale. The main functions of cookies are: Remembering accesses , that is, allowing you to know if a page has already been visit to show or hide content, in itself, they are not bad, as long as you act with good intentions, since thanks to this and the IP address through which you access.

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You can return to making a purchase on a website without having to re enter your crentials again. Knowing information about browsing habits , a utility Costa Rica Email List offer by cookies is to allow third parties to carry out preliminary studies of personal interests and display the appropriate advertising content. Since it would be useless to search formountain productsand advertising forbeach productswould appear, the user would be disinterest, annoy and the advertiser would be losing money in their search engine advertising campaigns. Types of cookies according to their purpose Once we know what a cookie is, we are going to discover how cookies can be classifi according to their purpose to store data.

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Google for Dummies Once we have reviewed

Among the most common, which we can find when browsing a website, when we access for the first time and view the cookie banner insettingsormore B2C Fax settings we will find the following options: Technical cookies. Technical cookies, or also known as necessary cookies, are those that appear activat by default for the proper functioning of a website, such as the case of an online store to remember the items in the cart. Personalization cookies: In this section you would find the cookies that store the preferences of a user’s experience. If we access a website with several languages ​​we will see that there is a selector to choose the preferr one, the cookie would store the select language.

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