
Videos can quickly go viral on social mia and cause irreparable damage to your brand. Try not to hurt personal and group feelings even if this is the current trend. Remember you are speaking on behalf of the company.  product or service: If your short video doesn’t accurately represent the quality or functionality of your product or service it could cause customer dissatisfaction. If viewers feel cheat or not getting what they expect it can lead to a loss of trust and confidence in your company. Using various clickbait methods is not the.

Misrepresentation about your

Best option for businesses. Negative Namibia WhatsApp Number List Comments and Reviews: Short videos can be a source of public comment and discussion from viewers.  or asks questionable questions it can spark a wave of negative comments and comments. A negative reaction from your audience can negatively impact your brand and scare away potential customers. Pay attention to comments do your best to answer all questions and don’t be afraid to promptly delete bias criticism. Loss of Competitiveness: Videos that do not meet the high standards and expectations of your viewers can ruce your competitiveness.

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If a video elicits negative emotions

If your competitors or creative videos B2C Fax you risk losing the attention and preference of your potential customers. Watch your competitors and try to look better than them or at least not worse than them. How Others Ruin Your Reputation. Even if you produce quality content. Grow your audience and look better than your competitors if your product or service doesn’t match what you’re showing your subscribers you may will lose their image. Don’t forget that anyone who strongly dislikes what you do can record a negative comment on the video and it will go viral.

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