
How many of these 8 common problems in foreign trade website construction do you know?

Although the current global economic outlook is uncertain, it has not stopp the vigorous development of the foreign trade e-commerce industry. It seems that it is the global communication network maintain by the Internet that contributes. How many of an indispensable force to the economic and trade between countries. Small and mium-siz foreign trade enterprises have also spent a lot of effort on website construction. Now it is very common to do paid search engine promotion, but some small and mium-siz enterprises still make some common mistakes in the process of website operation. As the old saying goes.

He who knows others is wise

He who knows himself is enlighten.” Let us learn about the 10 common problems that ne to be avoid in foreign trade website construction .
1Common problem 1: There is no news module on the homepage (common rate of more than 55%)
About 2/3 of the corporate homepages do not have a news module. The general homepage is probably a company profile, then a product navigation, and the better ones have a product display module for new products. The main function of the news module is to show the company’s daily status, which also makes the website look fresh every day and is easier to get the recognition of users who enter the website.

Common problem 2: The header and footer

Of all pages are the same (common rate of more than 45%) According to my personal statistics, about half of the SME websites have the same header and footer. It doesn’t matter if the footer is the same, you don’t have any friendly links or your friendly links are all site-wide. But if the header is the same, all the titles, keywords, and descriptions of the website are the same. Even if the search engine includes some of your pages like this, you will not be rank, and the user experience is also quite bad. Common problem 3: There is no or little text description in the product content (common problem rate 35%).

Many small and mium-siz enterprises describe their products

With a picture and then a few numbers, or directly copy a product parameter table from the word, which is all numbers. The search engine cannot judge your content keywords from the content of your page, so how can it be rank? It is recommend to write some relevant product introductions when entering products, which can be product applications and product features, and then make relevant product recommendations on the product page. Common problem 4: Friendship links are decorations (common problem rate 30%). Some companies do not have friendship links, or friendship links are decorations, and the links above are one-way links to several large portals or search engine websites. Unless you have strong external link resources.

In the contemporary digital landscape, the acquisition of cell phone number data has become a subject of significant interest for phone number library businesses and individuals alike. This data is often us for various purposes, including marketing, outreach, and engagement strategies. However, the practice of buying cell phone number data raises several ethical considerations that warrant careful examination.


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It is generally recommend to exchange some friendship links

Which is the key to ranking. Common problem 5: The backend password is not modifi (common problem rate over 20%). This is a very serious problem. Everyone must pay attention to it. At present, many small and mium-siz enterprise websites are basically made by outsourcing website companies, and they will personal marketing on facebook have a default username and password after they are done. What makes webmasters feel incrible is that nearly one-third of the companies do not change the default password, and more than half of the companies have a website company link at the bottom.

As long as someone who knows How many of

Alittle bit finds the default password of your website company, the lightest consequence is to make a full-site link to your website. I won’t talk about the serious consequences. I believe that everyone has professional ethics. Common problem 6. The homepage title only has the company name (common problem rate 30%) If you are adb directory not a giant in the industry, it is recommend to use the homepage title, and put 1-3 fewer keywords of your product. This is expect to be rank at the top. Common problem 7. Excessive website optimization (common problem rate 10%) Many business owners have receiv training from some online marketing companies, and then they are eager to ask professional SEO companies to make a marketing website.

There are two major common problems with such websites

The bottom of the website generally piles up a large number of keywords, and these keywords are all site-wide. The search engine judges your keywords bas on your text content, not what keywords you write. The second is too many internal links in the news. Everyone knows the benefits of internal links, but when there are 10 lab ovens in one article, all 10 lab ovens should be link. It is better to have 3 to 5 keywords and each keyword should appear once. Common problem 8. Website customer service pop-ups are too rampant (common rate 30%).

This problem is mainly a mistake made How many of

By some service industry websites (of course, there are also some niche product sales websites, in short, it is very annoying). Many companies that know a little about network marketing generally have customers online. When a customer just enters your website, a dialog box pops up, asking if they ne help. Customers usually close it first. If they want help, they must first look at your website products. At this time, when they click on the product page, another dialog box pops up.

If the customer is in a bad mood How many of

He will directly close your webpage. It is recommend to make the website content good. The customer QQ can be plac in an inconspicuous place. If the customer is interest in your product, he will contact you actively. Well, the above are some of the problems that you may make in the construction of foreign trade websites summariz by me. If there are any, correct them, and if there are none, encourage them.

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