While the publication that the influencer dicat to chopard jewels obtain an miv ™ of €102k which. Add to the posts of beatrice valli and mentions obtain in the online channel. Achiev a total miv ™ of €646k for the swiss brand. We currently live in the digital age. With working from home becoming the new normal. We are increasing our screen time and. As a result. Have adapt to communicating online with our teams and customers too. So. We start sharing our brand assets (images. Videos. 360 content. Documents and more) across clouds. Such as google drive. Microsoft teams. Digital asset management software and many others .
You May Sometimes Hear Kocs Associated With
But what are some dos and don’ts when digitizing brand assets? What is essential to do and what should we pay more attention to? Index 4 things to do when you choose to digitize your brand assets 4 things not to do when you choose to digitize your brand assets 4 things to do when you choose to digitize your brand assets 1. Maintain consistency and digitize all brand assets increase your productivity by taking all your brand assets and uploading them into a content library. Having a centraliz platform to b2b leads upload images. Videos . And other visual files will allow you to store them in a safe place and not lose them in the future.
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For example. If you ne to access images of the a/w 2015 collection. You can search directly in the gallery and obtain all the contents relating to the collection. With a content library. You can organize all your assets by collection. Season. Album or category tag. Making searching quick and easy. Asset-brand 2. If possible. Upload only high-resolution digital assets to your library digital images are made up of thousands of pixels. Together. The number of pixels helps determine the overall resolution of the image. Resolution B2C Fax shows us how clear the image will be. So the higher the resolution.