Here’s a quick guide to help. You find your way around. Searching for words .Or phrases Search filters enable. You to choose the word. Or phrase that you want.Or don’t want. To appear in the.Keep on top search results. This feature is handy for. Finding specific keywords. On the platform. Here are a few examples of the types of search filters you can use to search for words or phrases: All of these words: Enter one or more words to search for all of them across Twitter. This exact phrase: Enter one phrase here to search for it in its entirety.
Any of these words: Use the field to search
For multiple words. None of these words: Enter one or more words here that you want to exclude from the search results. These hashtags: Use this field to search for a specific hashtag. Belarus WhatsApp Number List Replies or original tweets: use this field to search for only original tweets and/or replies to tweets. Searching for tweets by location Use the following search filter to tweets from a specific location: Near this place: Enter a location to see Tweets that were sent when the person was in a specific area. Searching for people or accounts .
Use these filters to search for tweets
Made by specific people or Twitter accounts: From these accounts: Use the option to search for tweets that came from a Twitter account To these accounts: Use this option to Belarus Whatsapp Number List find tweets sent as replies to a specific Twitter account Mentioning these accounts: Use this option to find tweets that mention a specific account in the post 10 ways to use Twitter advanced search Wondering how you can put this search feature to good use to improve your social media strategy? Here are 10 effective ways to use Twitter advanced search to level-up your social media campaign: Monitor mentions of your brandtweets Provide customer service Keep tabs on competitors Research locations Promote your products or services Find old tweets Interact with your audience Gather customer feedback 1.