A lot of brands go back to basics where they ask themselves, the people I work with, they have to look like my end consumer because the chances that people following these influencers will look like them are very high.” – Thibault Eiffel
“We are now moving towards a quality collaboration over a quantity collaboration.” – Thibault Eiffel
We Also Moved From One-off Collaborations
To recurring collaborations. We’re in an industry, even though it’s a numbers game, you interact with real people.” – Thibault Eiffel
“No one is an expert in this social media; no one can claim to know how to end the game. It keeps changing; You need phone number list to iterate, you need to test, and you need to work with different people too because you may not know that a certain type of campaign or a certain type of content might work better for your brand.” – Thibault Eiffel
“The number one thing you need when you are a brand is understanding number one, and that is the most important thing why you are doing this campaign.” – Thibault Eiffel
There Are So Many Angles You Can Approach
In a campaign that if you are unclear about what you want, or if you want to multiply goals too much, you will fail.” – Thibault Eiffel
“Look for what platforms are strong for, depending on what you have listed before your goals, your customers and what you want from this campaign, understand the strengths and weaknesses of each platform and know why you chose a particular platform and type of content and B2C Fax other streams . – Thibault Eiffel
“Ecommerce and social media will merge, they will meet because once you find a product on social media it doesn’t feel natural to ask people to leave the social media platform to buy.