
what one may often think

what one may often think, are today two increasingly effective platforms for improving one’s visibility and online audience. “Unlike what one might often think” That is? Well yes, during a Webinar dedicated to Social Media for Law Firms that I created for Gruppo 24 Ore and during some video calls and appointments with Network

Partners, a certain skepticism emerged

Partners, a certain skepticism emerged regarding Instagram and Facebook. The most widespread underlying idea is that b2b email list   potential new clients are not on these platforms or that they do not frequent them with the aim of looking for a new professional. Nothing could be more wrong! It is essential to start from the quantity concept. Throughout the world,

nstagram is used by two billion users every

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b2b email list

Instagram is used by two billion users every month, a number that is progressively approaching that of Facebook, which currently has two billion and ninety-six million (Source: . It is easy to explain why investing in the Meta® Group platforms. Social Marketing Lawyers How can  what one may  a lawyer attract new clients? Social Networks for Legal Marketing Social Media is  B2B Fax  not only effective for Advertising Campaigns. They are also an excellent tool to tell , describe and delve deeper into the reality of the firm and approach possible new clients. Through a structured Editorial Plan , with a communication

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