hese are large banner ads that appear at the top of an amazon search results page. They include a brand logo, a custom tagline or slogan, and various product examples that correspond to the selected keywords. Amazonads_sponsoredbrand since these ads have the brand as a focal point, they include a link that takes the customer to a custom landing page or even to the amazon store itself that has the brand. Within the amazon store, the
Customer Can Only Browse
The products of a specific brand, and the brand owner also chooses what he wants to display in his amazon store. And best of all, no competing products or ads appear. Products advertise through sponsore brands must be new and not fall Compliance Directors Email Lists into the adult, used, or refurbished categories. Parties authorized to use sponsored brands are professional sellers in the amazon brand registry program, vendors, booksellers, and agencies. Sponsored products ads appear at the top of search results, alongside or within search results.
Amazon Sponsored Display
Ads promote a single product and are targete to customers base on their purchase activities within amazon, regardless of whether a product is view or purchase. On the other hand, they do not use keywords, but one of the two different targeting options available: product targeting of audiences . The impetus for sales of these promote products comes from automation and machine learning. If product targeting is chosen, a product is promote to audiences that are actively researching similar products or categories. These sponsore display ads appear on amazon product detail pages and/or search results pages. Amazonads_sponsore display ads with the audience targeting option appear on amazon’s home page, product detail pages, product search results pages, and third-party websites and apps. A full list of products that
Can Be Promote
can be found on the amazon website. Products prohibite in sponsore display ads include adult products, alcoholic beverages, prescription drugs and devices; likewise. Weapons such B2C Fax as pepper spray, fireworks and replicas of weapons that fire plastic pellets (“airsoft” type weapons). Sponsore display is only available to those liste in the amazon brand registry. And vendors and agencies with customers who sell products on amazon.