Brand Meaning The second

Fotos calvin-klein-jeans Branding by Customer Experience Brand Equity or the value of a brand that occurs in the eyes and perception of consumers. which arises from the experience that has been expos to that brand Nowadays, there are many brands that we use in our daily lives. and many more that are always around us The brand has both concrete and abstract meanings. In a concrete way , it is a brand that is relat to creating a name. Symbol design, packaging and other environments that reflects the unique characteristics of the brand that appear to the public or relat groups (Stakeholder) abstract Brand is about reputation and awareness building from the brand’s strengths in terms of brand value. together.

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The way we create a particular brand Bolivia Phone Number List It is necessary to create value for the brand in the eyes of consumers. The value of the brand can be divid into two parts: the financial aspect. (Financial-bas) brand as an asset that has value in money. Obtaining income from the purchase of goods or services by customers That is the result of customers seeing the value of the brand. Another part is customer-centric. (Customer-bas) that looks at the sentimental value. In this article, the customer-centric value.

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The concept for the Bran

Customer-basconsumer aspect (Customer-bas) in relation to the customer Brand value means differentiating a brand with sentimenta B2C Fax value. Or the sentimental feeling that arises from brand knowlge (Brand Knowlge) is about the brand in every aspect. and net perception towards the customer’s brand (Net Perception), or perception that eliminates the same to be different, such as how is Coke different from Pepsi? The answer is that Coke is fizzier than Pepsi. How big is the difference? of the brand. And to build a brand that has strong value.

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