
 Super-Charged Lead Gen Process

A super-charged lead gen process Share Tired of scraping the bottom of your lead bucket? . Not sure where to find more leads — or are you frustrated that the leads . you do get are unqualified? We’ve all been there There’s one unlikely place you might . not be looking — your company blog But blogging is just for brand awareness not . lead gen Right? Well actually gif Not quite When you do it right blogs can .

Be a Lead-Generating Powerhouse What’s

Be a lead-generating powerhouse What’s more they can help drive qualified leads Here’s how to . turn your blog into a lead-gen machine Note Tired of digging through unqualified leads that . don’t convert? Sign up for a free trial of our lead generation software to get . a full view of which companies visit your site — and what they do when . they get there Step 1 Define your ideal audience Before you put pen to paper .

Or Fingers to Keyboard as

Or fingers to keyboard as it were) take  exit cell phone number list the time to figure out who you’re . writing for Defining your ideal audience isn’t much fun when you’re itching to write but . this step is critical Here’s why Who you’re writing for impacts what you write Say . you are writing a post comparing your tool to a competitor as we did here . for Leadfeeder versus VisitorQueue Take a look at that first line Leadfeeder vs VisitorQueue Our .

Goal Was to Target Readers

Goal was to target readers who were considering improve click-through rate VisitorQueue but were still doing their research . That first line tells them they’re in the right place In addition to defining your . ideal audience consider user intent — why are they on the page? What search term . did they enter or what landing page brought them there? This website visitor information will . inform your entire writing process Step 2 Find the right topic Once you know who .

You Are Writing for It’s

You are writing for it’s time to find a topic You changsha mobile phone number list want a topic that . prospects will find useful but also prequalifies them at least a little Let’s say your . goal is to generate leads for a demo call about your enterprise social media marketing . tool and your target audience is enterprise-level marketing directors You might write about enterprise social . media trends new Instagram features or how to optimize Facebook ads You wouldn’t write about .

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