Now emphasize the abbreviation eat. The abbreviation comes from the. Words expertise, authority, and trustworthiness. In finnish, google values expertise, authority and reliability. So how does google measure these?
Content, user experience and links. Play a big role, of course, but social media may also play a role. In the future. Social media links have always been largely. Irrelevant in terms of search. Engine optimization, because they are so-called “Nofollow” links.
In the future google may also take nofollow links into account in some cases.
However, a small change is coming to this and. In the future google may also take nofollow links into account in some email list You can read more about it. On the moz blog .
How does google index social media?
Google basically indexe. Social media pages in the same way as any website. However, google is only able to index a fraction of all content .Produced on social media. This is due to two factors.
However, a small change is coming to this and
First of all, there is so much new content. Being produced on all the time that googlebot. Cannot possibly index everything. Another reason is that much of the content is not freely indexable. If the content is not public and can only be seen by the publisher’s friends, it will not be indexed by search engines either.
Indirect benefits of in terms .Of search engine optimization
Although investments indo not immediately . AWB Directory Appear as an improvement in the site’s search engine visibility, in the long term, the indirect benefits of for search engine. Visibility can be significant.