
Have a database with little duplication

Telesales: campaign focus on cold sales with specializ agents. Appointments: campaigns to remember appointments or schule new periodic consultations. Payment requirement: campaign focus on the collection of rents or unpaid monthly payments. Advertis: it bases its activity on promot a brand or product without influenc the sale. Post-sales: management of queries or doubts after a massive sales campaign. Green number: it is a campaign that is carri out after catastrophes. Agents are in the role of reassur and provid help to callers .

They are usually campaigns

Carri out by governments and institutions, but also by brands UK Phone Number List such as airlines. Polls: perfect for find out the situation of a geographical area and segmen any self-respect market campaign, the formula of contactability must be us , among others, to determine its success. Previously we told you what contactability is and how its formula is calculat. Today we investigate the techniques us to improve this metric. Improv contactability will allow you, if you have a quality product, to increase sales and the success of your campaign.

Phone Number List

The best strategies to improve contactability

A correct contact is one who has decision-mak power, so it is important to adapt the script to the nes of each person. It is vital that the user feels at ease and also insistence to a suitable degree. 1.- Call dur the hours B2C Fax in which the user initially had contact 2.- Do not call at times other than the one the lead initially contact 3.- Make use of telephone mask – Exploit your database with good segmentation 6.- Make use of a blend system 7.- Adapt the initial greet correctly and bas on the information you have about the user 8.- Ignore leads before start the session: deceas, unwant locations, unwant ages, etc. 9.- Avoid burn the database with bad practices.

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