
How to create a good email marketing?

More than selling, the objective is to progressively create a lasting relationship between companies and customers. To create a good email marketing, check out these 10 tips: 1 – The Sender You should always use an email with the company’s domain . Using emails from other personal servers such as Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, among others, can characterize the sender as spam , affect its legitimacy and influence the trust of the recipient . Many of the executives decide whether or not they want to open the email based on the sender. The greater the seriousness and credibility of the sender, the better. 2 – The Subject After the sender, it is by reading the subject line that the receiver becomes aware of what the message is about and decides whether to open it or not . In the “subject” text, put not what you want to sell but the benefit that the customer will have .

Customers don’t buy what you sell to them

They buy what the products or services do for them. 3 – Images versus text By default, servers, when receiving a marketing email, search the entire piece to analyze whether the content inserted there is of interest to the recipient. This process is automatic and it is in this process that it is determine that the entire campaign must be develop with a text index Chile Email List higher than that of the image. Knowing that each image added in the layout increases the risk of the e-mail being classify as spam and barre . Text-only email is more likely to be view without the need for any type of release. 4 – Blocked content Servers are configured to classify each incoming email. The analysis that classifies them as normal email or spam is based on images , programming tags and words inserted in the content. As a security standard, some words and expressions often used by spammers (as people who create a lot of spam are known) are automatically blocked . It is best, before defining the text, to search Google for words and expressions blocked by servers.

B2C Email List

This research does not guarantee

The width The maximum width of an e-mail should be 600 pixels , so as not to impair reading. This is because at the outset you do not know the model and capacity of your client’s computer. A less powerful computer or one with older programs cannot view very large files . The e-mail B2C Fax must fit completely on the computer monitor, without the need to move the scroll bar. 6 – Sources When inserting the body text , prefer common fonts such as Arial , Verdana and Times . They are standard fonts that everyone has. If you send emails with fonts that the recipient cannot open, you are wasting time and money.

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