Many B2B companies, when they decide to start an inbound marketing plan, find themselves having to decide whether to transfer website content from WordPress to HubSpot CMS, but they don’t know what the differences are between the two. In this article, we try to give a complete overview of the two software, explaining the pros and cons of both solutions, to allow you to make an informed choice.
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HubSpot CMS or Word press for a b2b company site? The main difference between the two CMS (content management system) is the fact that HubSpot is an all-in-one platform , meaning it integrates all the activities necessary for the success of marketing, sales and customer care strategies .Word attract B2b Leads the right press, on the other hand, to meet the same needs, requires the installation of plugins created by different developers, which often require time and resources to work together correctly.Here is a detailed description of the differences between the two content management platforms.
The reason that often pushes
Costs many companies to choose Word press as a CMS is the fact that it is free. However, in most cases, it really isn’t. In addition to having to pay for hosting, it is often necessary to install additional plugins to have website B2C Fax & UX all the functions essential for content management, so you find yourself spending a certain amount every month to be able to use this “free” CMS. Not only that: Word press requires continuous work to keep the site optimized and you often need to ask for the support of an expert to proceed. HubSpot, on the other hand, requires a monthly fee, but this includes hosting, security features, regular maintenance and updates,