
Contracted With the Platform

this tab is where you can choose which message will be shown to users as a thank you after completing the form or if they will be redirected to a website after submitting it. However, the options on this tab will vary depending on which plan you have contracted with the platform. Style and preview tab in this other tab is where you can customize the style that your form will have . As you go choosing the different settings, on the right side you can see how your form is changing. Fonts, width or color are some of the characteristics that you can modify in this section. Automations tab finally, the automations tab allows you to activate

Some simple functions

so that they occur automatically once the user submits the form . Some of the actions that you can take are sending follow-up emails or automatic notifications, among others. Like editing the form, automating functions of this type is also easy and the platform clearly shows you the different options that you can activate. How to publish  China WhatsApp Number Data  hubspot form? Once you have optimized all the details of the form, go to the upper right part of the tool and click publish . And don’t forget that hubspot also makes form analysis tools available to its clients to find out how their performance is going. Smart forms, hubspot’s advanced option hubspot smart forms are forms that can be customize base on some characteristics of the user accessing the site they are on . In this way, you can show

Different forms Depends

Whatsapp Mobile Number List

on the place of origin of the person, the device from which they access or the phase of the customer journey cycle in which they are, among other options. As we write these lines, this option is only available in the marketing hub package, specifically in the enterprise and professional options . Benefits of creating forms with hubspot simple interface : creating forms with this tool is very easy, since all the actions are shown in a very intuitive way and without having to spend a lot of time to understand how it works. Adaptability : from hubspot you can create both forms for landings create from the crm tool itself , as well as for external pages, where you can embed them.

But that’s not the only reason

why we say it’s adaptable. If your website is host on, for example, wordpress, you don’t need to hire developers or code experts, you can download the B2C Fax plugin create for it completely free of charge. Time saving : in addition to the fact that the learning process is very agile, once you know how to move around the tool, everything can be implemenT quickly. Free option not all platforms give this option.

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