
If the positioning is inconsistent

Can conduct qualitative research on customer groups in order to obtain their nes and connect them to the market. by delving into product groups such as premium chocolate brands Classifi as Enchantment low calorie food Classifi as a weight control food group Brand Positioning Brand positioning is fundamentally different from marketing positioning. By positioning the …

If the positioning is inconsistentRead More

What does research say about marketing strategy

Pre-Launch: Marketing activities often begin before a product or service is officially launch. This can involve creating teaser campaigns, generating buzz through social mia, running advertising or PR campaigns to create awareness, and building a customer base before the launch. MLaunch Marketing efforts intensify during the launch phase to promote the product or service to …

What does research say about marketing strategyRead More

Competition law inspections

Online stores can take advantage of these practices to improve their search engine rankings and increase website traffic. In this article, we will discuss the most important SEO elements that should be consider when creating an online store. We will also discuss the most important tools and techniques that can be us to optimize your …

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Customer purchase path

If your website has a well-design structure, crawlers are more likely to be able to effectively read your website content and rank it higher in organic rankings. HOW TO USE THE SITE STRUCTURE TO IMPROVE VISIBILITY IN SEARCH RESULTS? To improve your site’s visibility in search results, you ne to structure your site properly. First …

Customer purchase pathRead More