The state of emergency in our country and all over the. World causes serious challenges for finnish companies. Business finland has come to this disruption caused by the corona virus and offers companies a unique opportunity to develop their own business with support.
The goal of. Development financing is to actively mitigate the economic effects of the coronavirus. And help both smes and midcap companies to get back on their feet and move forward.
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With the help of financing, new. Solutions are developed for the company related.. To products or production. At the same time, email list sustainability is built. For companies in challenging situations in the future as well.
What kind. Of company can get financing?
The main target groups for business finland’s development funding are tourism companies, companies producing ancillary services to tourism,
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Creative industries and all industries whose operations. The company can only operate in the domestic market.
Funding cannot. B2C Fax . Public organization, foundation, association or åland company. Identified in the preliminary study or otherwise as its own operations and which improve the company’s opportunities in the disruption situation caused by the corona virus and afterwards. The goal of the measures must be new solutions for the company related to products or production. Finnvera and ely-keskus help with the working capital and financing needs of business name companies.