
Let’s take into account aspects such as

The very knowlge of real problems in the sector was what prompt us to undertake. Pablo CalatayudCo  we met in the professional field, specifically, working in a first division soccer team. He represents the more academic side, also link to sports, health and psychology. Rodrigo AldecoaCTOdoctor in computer engineering and expert in artificial intelligence, I am the leader of the technical team. We saw the opportunity in the market. We thought it was very interesting to provide a comprehensive solution to a global problem , such as physical inactivity, ignorance of the importance of nutrition and the way to train.

The gender perspective sexual racial

People, in general, are unaware of their physical state. incubi accesspreneur We thought it was very interesting to provide a comprehensive solution to Chile Email List a global problem. People, in general, are unaware of their physical conditioninubaworld. CLICK TO TWEETTo what extent do you think the digital world is important for the growth of current companiesIt’s the key. If the pandemic has shown anything, it is that digital transformation in all sectors has accelerat at a faster rate than expect . Precisely, in the health and well being sector, we are moving towards a hybrid model. This makes it possible to maximize the comfort and efficiency offer by digital services, without losing the quality and proximity of a physical service.

B2C Email List

Belief diversity both images and language

What do you think are the biggest advantages of online commerce over offlino you think that any offline company today should have an B2C Fax ecommerce or webAbove all, having a faster and more agile purchasing process, cost ruction , being able to control the metrics and the return on investment in advertising marketing, greater flexibility for customers and a much greater potential reach . Always a website. It is clear that today it is the letter of introduction of any company. As for ecommerce, depending on the context and the company’s service product. Well, not in all businesses it makes sense to have a classic online store . It all depends on the context of each business.

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