
Forget a lot of information

Dropped. Therefore entered the space of unconsciousness. Unconsciousness is equivalent to the computer’s recycle bin. Therefore, it has a large memory and does not consume energy. Therefore, the disadvantage is that it needs to be restored to use the contents inside. So there are some things that you have forgotten. Therefore, after re-reading, Therefore, you will remember more than when you read it the first time. It is because there is an archive in the unconscious. Therefore. We don’t say that the hippocampus is saving information every day. Therefore, it is better to say that it is always deleting information. Therefore, we can enter very little information into long-term memory. Therefore, we

Then if we think it’s important

These words need to be put into long-term memory. Therefore Sweden WhatsApp Number List, words are not necessary for survival. Therefore, words will not pass the trial of the hippocampus. And I need to remember information that I think is important. Therefore, at this time, I need to deceive the hippocampus. As long as we fool the hippocampus. Therefore it thinks that the information is important and beneficial to survival. Therefore, our learning can be efficient and fast. There are many ways to deceive. Therefore roughly divided into

Question repetition. Output test. Memory tampering

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modification and implantation. Repetition is the most commonly used and most practical way. For example, let you remember the following number questions. If you take it seriously, it takes about 10 minutes to store the number in short-term memory. When the hours pass. Therefore basically no one remembers. Therefore there are B2C Fax still some people who have a vague memory. It is to store numbers in categories. When they memorized, the question was like this–. The advantage of classified storage is to reduce the rate of decline of the forgetting curve. Therefore, people forget more slowly. Then what? After hours, continue to review this number question–. The brain’s impression of this number when reviewing

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