The other hand the cost of the repair

Fewer targets, but higher quality. At first we tri to launchobjectives at the company level. When we first propos this continuous improvement system, we thought that the more objectives we can improve, the more the company will improve. But in practice we realiz that this does not work like that. The fewer objectives, the better : if they are few, the whole team is clear about them and we can focus much more effort on them . In other words, the intensity with which we work on each of them is not dilut. It is not the same to juggle withballs than to do it with , where it is easier for us to drop one objectives in the-company.

Higher than that of a year of maintenance

Incorporate it into the company’s DNA. It is essential that the whole team believe in it. For this reason, the first step is that the management Brazil Email List as well as the different heads of the department bet on and give seriousness to this issue, after all, it is the system that is going to make us feel better in a few months In this sense, it is essential to have people involv , to fix quarterly review meetings that cannot be postpon. Share articles, look for training, propose improvements, etc. That is, give it entity and spread it to the rest of the team. If you want the team to take it seriously, give it the importance it deserves. If it doesn’t quite suit your company, modify it In the end.

B2C Email List

Adding the bad past during those days

The OKR methodology is a system that has work well for many companies , but you don’t have to stick % to everything it says if you see that B2C Fax it doesn’t suit your company. We seek to measure, improve and advance as a team, therefore make the modifications you ne as long as this premise is maintain. Ecopreneur Kilian Zaragoza from Nobody Without His Daily Ration March , accessReading:minutes ecopreneurs rate this post For our lastaccePreneurs Kilian Zaragoza from Nadie Sin Su ration Diaria to undertake is an attitude since not everything works out.

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