
Or an interview way

Business. and friendly. business. Communication must be fun, friendly, not stressful. various consulting businesses Communication has to be professional. proficient If it’s an ucation business Communication and content must be academic and formal. . Create a content or content calendar Creating a content calendar is already a publicist’s primary job, and Digital PR nes to …

Or an interview wayRead More

Public relations work

Moz Link Explorer Moz Link Explorer Backlinks are another important thing in building a website. If your website has people talking and linking back to your website, it can guarantee the quality of the content on the website. This tool will help you to check how many Backlinks you have. come from? How is the …

Public relations workRead More

Thai and other languages

Calculation methods: Cost-per-click formula (Cost-Per-Click – CPC) Specify the total cost of the ad you want to measure. Count the sum of the clicks for that ad. Divide the total cost by the number of clicks. Compare it with your goal (e.g. , baht total ad spend on Facebook divid by total clicks = . …

Thai and other languagesRead More

This will show how well

Divid by clicks and multipli by equals a conversion rate of . %). Click-Through Rate (CTR) An indicator of how many clicks. Or calls to action (CTAs) our posts are getting, not shares, likes or comments. It only measures link clicks (CTR). It will let you know what kind of content. for your business? The …

This will show how wellRead More

The following calculation

Number. Multiply by (e.g. people mention you, divide by , the sum of people talking about you and your competitors and multiply by to equal . % of people talking about you on social mia). Grey Arrow Social Mia KPIs for Engagement Measurement Applause Rate How many people like, clap or like your post? compar …

The following calculationRead More

The results can be

Audience Growth Rate) Indicates the number of new followers for the month across different platforms. divid by the total number of followers Multiply the result by . Compare it to the past month to see how it’s trending (e.g. followers in January). Divid by total followers and multipli by equals % growth rate.) The number …

The results can beRead More