
Strongly influences brands and society

  • Relat. To the pandemic from the m.Ia and from the brands themselves. No one. Including brands. Will be able to avoid contextualizing communications and social content in relation to the very particular context we are experiencing.
  • A second identifi. Trend is also link. To this. That of greater awareness  Strongly influences brands and society of users and. In particular. Of the new generations. Always with a phone at hand. Always connect.  Support to grow your business on social m.Ia and reach new customers? Contact us now and together we will define the right strategy for your

Young people are us. To communicating and reading

everything that circulates  on the web and on social platforms. Today we are fac. With a socially conscious generation. Which demands answers and truth and which. Therefore. Strongly influences brands and society. Companies.

  • the lever of emotion. Always effective. Will still have a hold. But be careful not to abuse it or you risk becoming cloying. 
  • More physical distances. Less on

Social m.Ia. As we know. C. Memes will far surpass emojis and brands must be ready to defend themselves even from criticism and attacks express. In the form of images

latest database

nclusiveness and social justice: otherwise

  • Inclusiveness and social justice: otherwise. The risk is that of becoming irrelevant or. At the very least. Anachronistic.
  • Information and stop fake news : social m.Ia and the web are important sources of information available to everyone. But it is precisely this being for everyone that often B2C fax  turns into “Being at the mercy”. Especially in a moment like the current one. Strongly influences brands and society

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