Ideal for this format is to immerse the

Users read them with pleasure, the activity and engagement are at their best. Are these skills enough to write a longread? What should be taken into account when creating content of this format? We’ll tell you all about it below.

In fact, the volume is not so important.

The main thing for a longread is structure email data and full disclosure of the topic. A text of 20-30 thousand characters may not be a longread if it contains a lot of empty words and useless information. The main thing that distinguishes a good longread is deep immersion in the topic. Often, the author has to thoroughly study many different sources and conduct his own research. And so we come to the fact that creating a longread is a rather labor-intensive task.

This format is not suitable for

email data

everyone, and often there is simply no for it, because the company’s area of ​​activity and the interests of the target audience may be to short posts or video format.

This can be an expert analysis, a description of the results of experiments or surveys. Often this type of article is  in the field of marketing, real estate and business consulting. In such articles, graphs, tables and diagrams are very useful for better perception of information

Ideal for this format is to digital content and how to do it  immerse the reader in a certain event or story. Not just to tell about what but to convey emotions and give the opportunity to be with the story.

Such a project by the afb directory Al Jazeera channel , where the stories of Syrian refugees were told using video reports from different people. Great attention was paid to the interactive: each slide is a separate story, video and photo reports from journalists.
It is often to present personalities and build a personal brand. This format can be in any business if you want to tell the success story of someone from the company. The material will allow clients to better understand the values ​​of the people who built this business and will bring you closer to the audience.

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