Namely the hardware limitations with which networking capabilities. And computers around the world are currently incapable of supporting a digital world with millions of simultaneous users. Including the cost of technology that must be used to develop virtual reality as realistic as possible. In addition, having to buy equipment such as VR Headset is quite expensive. But it is an important step in creating the ultimate experience for users in the digital world. When consumers search for information and compare until they find information that is ready for decision making.
See if the customer has
There may also be a consumer to buy your product Kiribati B2B List or service immediately or to stop buying the product or service at any time as well. This is a process in which consumers may be hesitant or addicted to certain things, and that’s why marketers need to make them feel secure when choosing a product or service. Which must try to persuade all the necessary information, important and most importantly, How can a product or service complement or solve their problem? Make them feel that they can’t live without your product.
Or have the order placed
A if there is a situation where they walk B2C Fax away from you at this stage, you need to bring them back by doing retargeting such as email or SMS to encourage them to keep thinking about your product. . Purchase of goods or services (Purchase) The stage where the need is fulfilled is when a consumer becomes a customer and chooses to purchase your product or service. The sum of the efforts you have made since the beginning is a good initial achievement. But you still need to be aware that there is always the possibility that customers will cancel or disappear. Marketing with this step is still important by checking to.